Tenelle: Children of the Gods Book 2 Read online

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  “The Dragon of Air that this territory belongs too, was called to a Great Dragon Council meeting. One of the young dragons has caused a problem with a Wizard. So, she asked me to take you out to the border of Maine and Nova Scotia, which is the end of her territory, after that it is the Dragons of the Seas that will help if you need it.” Everett says.

  “I honestly don’t think I will need any more help. You have all been amazing. Enox said he would come if I need anything. So, I think I am ok, and his sister Vixen’s keeping an eye on me too.” Snow says.

  “So Enox has found his mate! Glad he’s finally settling down! He has been looking for the better part of 10 years almost.” Everett says radiating warmth from his body for me to keep up.

  “I asked him this morning to be my mate, but I am not sure if he is my true mate or would be a chosen mate. Anyways he accepted us as his mate this morning. I think something has happened to mine. I got this horrible pain in my chest and neck last night just after you and Rock both left. That’s why Enox stayed, Rock’s fledglings hatched yesterday.” Snow says to Everett.

  “Yes, I know, we spoke to Enox just before I left to go home. Tell me what did this pain feel like? I have never heard of a mate feeling their mates’ pain before meeting them.” Everett says looking at me with interest.

  “It felt sharp, like someone sank teeth and claws at the same time into my neck and chest. My heart hurt so bad. The rhythm stopped completely, like it was being taken away. Then it felt whole again when Enox marked his scent to keep me protected last night that was close to midnight. Thank you for that by the way.” Snow says and Everett smiles.

  “Unfortunately, I know what it is that you felt last night. Your mate has rejected you, therefore severing your bond. I am so sorry little Owl, if you find out who he was let Enox or I know. They are to be punished, taking a mate that is not yours or rejecting your mate is against our laws. You and Enox will be blessed, because you have been rejected and Enox is now past when he can find his mate. We dragons must do it before we turn 24.” Everett says almost angrily that one of the dragon’s would break a sacred law. I know their laws, as I do many of the different supernatural laws. This one is held at the highest regard for most if not all species.

  “Could Enox be a second chance mate for me then? He had so much love and want in his eyes when he looked at me this morning. It made me feel blessed to be loved by someone other than family.” I ask and Everett stops flying for a second to think.

  “That could be a great possibility. I would say there is the possibility he is your true mate, especially if those emotions where there last night when you first met. You are very welcome too by the way. Figured it would help a little in keeping you safe.” Everett says starting to fly again.

  “We should be close to Dartmouth; I can smell the Ocean. Thank you Everett for your help, it’s greatly appreciated. Talk to Enox, tell him I said to give you my cell number. Since he already hacked my phone and put his in.” Snow says laughing when Everett shakes his head.

  “Then yes, most definitely he’s your mate! What a dragon, I am going to have to have a word with my cousin. Good god! Would the two of you keep traveling?” Everett asks with a smile.

  “No, we talked about that and we would move back to the Great Theater of the God’s. Tenelle and I live there with her mom, Sue and her eagle Glory.” Snow says.

  “Wait your mom’s a Bird of Prey as well? An Eagle? I thought you would have the same birds.” Everett says with worry.

  “No, I am from our father’s side. He was shot down out of the sky when I was 10 years old. He was giving me flying lessons. The Witch that took my dad down didn’t last long. I went after her and ripped her head from her shoulders. Her mate and son tried to attack me but died instantly for killing my father.” Snow says, and even though she’s in control, I try not to cry when she speaks of that day.

  “That’s interesting, do you mind if I look into a few things concerning you and Tenelle. If I am right, then Enox will need to come now to claim you.” Everett says when he comes to a stop midair.

  “Yes, that’s fine. I don’t know much myself and mom won’t tell anything to Tenelle or I when we ask. So, it would be amazing to learn about our father.” Snow says and then continues … “Perfect we are here! The new clans live just below us. I thought they would build somewhere else, but they are renovating the Royal Gargoyle castle it looks like.”

  “That’s handy, it’s still in my friend’s territory. So, I will land with you and greet them on her behalf. Will you be leaving today to go home too Snow? I am sure you and Tenelle need rest if I am right, and your mate has rejected you.” Everett says as we descend to the small village below. Many have collected outside and even the two new clan leaders have come out as well.

  “No, I will stay here for the night. I told Enox I would see him at Mont-Tremblant in two days when I travel back home.” Snow tells Everett as we land.

  “Hello Great Dragon of Air and Messenger of the God’s! It is an honor to have you both! I am Lox, leader of the Emerald Isle clan, and this is my sister Vera, leader of the Emerald Sea clan. Welcome!” A large man says. He is big and wide, but still looks small compared to Enox and Nimara’s mate Kai. He has the same chiseled features though, I laughed when Nimara told me Kai reminded her of Goliath from the kids show Gargoyles, but I would have to say she was right. Lox looks just like Goliath.

  “Thank you, Clan Leader Lox and Leader Vera. My name is Everett, and I am here to welcome you on behalf of Sydney. This is her territory as a Dragon of Air, she was unfortunately called to a meeting of the Great Dragon Council. She welcomes you and is honored to have you come claim this territory! This is Snow, her human’s name is Tenelle.” Everett introduces us and Snow gives me back control. Everett notices and places his wing around me, until I can put the clothes Enox gave me back on. They smell like him, and I am in heaven having his scent all over me.

  “Your owl is gorgeous! What kind of owl is Snow?” Vera says as she gives me a hug and looks at me. She can smell Enox and smiles at me. “You are glowing, is that because of a newly found mate possibly? How many have you found?” She continues and I give her a puzzled look.

  “Snow is a Snowy Owl and Enox is my second chance mate. I felt my mate reject me last night, and as far as I know I only have one. Why?” I say and now it is Vera that looks confused.

  “I can see from your aura that you have multiple mates, and if you felt them break their bond with you. That means at least 2 of them have rejected you possibly. I am a seer, kind of like the human’s palm readers or psychics, but I read auras instead.” Vera says looking at me.

  “Can you tell me how many to be exact, then I can let Enox know also. He’s a dragon, and I don’t want him upset…” I say and Everett interrupts me.

  “Enox already knows little owl. He’s still overly excited though and can’t wait for you to come home. He wants to claim you as soon as possible. He says the two of you will look for the others together!” Everett says and again shakes his head. “I really need to speak to my cousin, oh boy!” Everett laughs.

  “No worries I was like that too when I found my mate. We have a male mate also, it was fun when we figured it all out.” Vera says smiling brightly while talking about her mates.

  “Will the two of you be staying for dinner? You are more than welcome too.” Lox offers.

  “No, I have to head back to Ontario. My fledglings are all grounded and if I know their mother, she will let them away with murder. They have my poor mate wrapped around their wings. Thank you though for the hospitality and again welcome to the Maritimes! I will see you later Tenelle. I will be back to escort you to Enox.” Everett says and kisses the top of my head, before taking off into the air.

  “Why are the Great Dragon’s escorting you? It must be something really bad if you need giant bodyguards.” Lox says looking at his sister and then back at me.

  “King Harold hired two gargoyles to kill Queen Nyssa and now Queen E
mily, his chosen mate and daughter. One of them attacked us on their way Ontario. I took him with us. My Clan Leader Nimara, had him killed for trying to kill us. Well, this grounder had a brother that also tried to kill me right in front of my Clan Leader. They saved me because he drugged me, so I couldn’t fight. They asked Queen Emily’s mate, a dragon name Jax to ask for help.” I tell them and the look on Lox’s face tells me, he knows most of what Harold did and wanted to kill him.

  “Aunt Nyssa told us what happened. You’re from our cousin Kai’s clan! That’s awesome! Would you like to stay for dinner? Kai and Aunt Nyssa would have my tail if I didn’t feed and keep you safe.” Lox says with a smile.

  “That would be great, I actually have a great deal of paperwork for the two of you. Treaties, trade agreements and invitations to important events. All the leaders are eager to meet all of you. Now that the Gargoyle clans are moving west, it has created great possibilities for everyone.” I say, Lox and Vera look excited to be able to travel and meet the leaders. Just as we are about to walk into their home, a loud roar’s heard, and everyone takes a defensive stance.

  “Not these two fucking wankers again!” Lox says and I look at him. Then I am hit with a sickening sour smell.

  “Snow what the hell is that?” I ask trying not to empty my stomach.

  “Our mate that rejected us!” Snow says, “call to Enox we need him here, the one we don’t want near us is a dragon and he’s dangerous!” she continues. A large bronze dragon lands just in the field out in front of the house and a portal opens for 2 more too walk through. A guy and a girl, I feel the pull that was barely hanging on by a thread.

  “I, Tenelle Andrews, hereby accept your rejections. Enox, I found my mate that rejected me. One is a bronze dragon. What do I do?” I whisper, and both the bronze dragon and the guy stop moving forward and grab their chest.

  “Tenelle, these were your mates? My sweet girl you did the right thing.” Vera says in a hushed tone as I look at her.

  “Must be, I have never met them until today. She must be the one they claimed after rejecting me, but I can see only one mark on her. But my question is why? She’s a very weak Enchantress.” I say to Vera as she studies the three of them. Another much louder roar’s heard and not far from me lands a large midnight blue dragon and a sky-blue dragon. Enox has come and brought Everett back with him. Both Enox and Everett shift down into their human, and both throw on a pair of pants quickly. I run to Enox immediately.

  “Thank the gods you are alright!” Enox says grabbing me and pulling me tight to him, kissing my face all over and just holds me. Without thinking, I bite down Enox’s neck, claiming him. I can feel him purr and the bond form as I release my bite.

  “I am sorry Enox, I could not wait any longer.” I say resting my forehead to his. When I pull back and look into his eyes, I can see so many emotions and none of them tell me he regrets letting me claim him.

  “Get your filthy, worthless piece of leathered claws away from her!” The wizard yells and starts to release pure magic and I can feel the danger in it. I turn so I am out in front of everyone, they will die instantly if I do.

  “This is the last time we are going to ask you! Where’s the Celestial map?” The bronze dragon says just as the wizard lets go a powerful wave of magic.

  “Great goddess Hecate, what do I do?” I plead. I close my eyes and spread my wings as big as I can, taking the full blast. I am sent backwards and slam into Enox, I can hear someone screaming but it sounds really muffled. Enox is talking to me but I can’t fully hear what he’s saying.

  “Well, that’s one way to deflect his magic back at them.” I open my eyes and see Tania standing beside me. Her shroud dissolves and the woman I grew up knowing as Tania Guild, turns out to be the goddess Hecate. “Next time, just mind link me kiddo. Much easier and quicker.” I start to stand with Enox’s help, looking over just in time to see the bronze dragon rising into the sky carrying two limp bodies. Dragons of Air come from the clouds and chase him, but he is keeping well ahead of them riding one of the stronger air currents.

  “Holy fuck Tenelle that was amazing! But please never do that again, you scared the shit out of me!” Vera says wrapping her strong arms around me. Her clan and Lox’s clan are all shifted ready for a fight. Vera drops me and looks towards her clan; everyone shifts back and starts to head inside.

  “Little feather! Never do that again! Please, I just found you, I don’t want to lose you already!” Enox says grabbing me again into a tight hug. When he finally looks at me, he has tears. I wipe his face and kiss his nose. Enox smiles, and I claim his lips.

  “Wow and I thought Nimara was mushy! She’s going to love hearing about this!” Hecate says with a laugh.

  “Thank you, Goddess, for your help, but what are you doing here?” Enox says resting my head on his chest under his chin.

  “Well young dragon, your little mate here is in my clan. I am earth bound right now and my human form is the Silver Shadow clan’s Adviser. She called to me, now what’s going on here that a wizard would attack a Messenger of the God’s?” Hecate asks and then says. “Oh, speaking of them, Lox and Vera? Kai, Nimara, Scott and Onyx said for you to come visit anytime you want. You are always welcome.”

  “This is the third time they have come since we moved here. They wanted to look through the castle to find this thing they keep calling a Celestial map. We don’t have it and Elder Merlin has already used magic to search for it. It isn’t here, and they don’t believe us or the Elder.” Vera says.

  “Why would they want the map? It shows all the open spaces to place a new soul among the stars nothing more, and if they want it good luck, it’s in my head. It’s not drawn on a piece of paper. All Celestial guides have a copy of it, it’s something we gain when we get our duties. It’s a magic of sorts, nothing physical.” Enox says while making this cute face as he thinks.

  “Well how about we all go in for dinner, there’s more than enough food and it’s about to rain. We can talk about this more inside. Got to love Canadian Atlantic winters. At least it’s better than 12 feet of snow.” Lox says as he looks to the sky.

  “Everett, I will portal you home. I know you came rushing back when you talked to the Elder dragons about Tenelle and her mate rejecting her.” Hecate says opening a portal for Everett.

  “Ok Little Owl, I’ll see you later when I find out information for you. But what I can tell you now is that bronze dragon’s named Trin. And he’s the one that the Great Dragon Council gathered to talk about. I would seek out a wizard by the name of Daxton McGill. He’s the one they caused problems with. He might have answers for you. You take damn good care of her Enox! You were lucky the gods gave you a mate after your 24th birthday.” Everett says, he walks through the portal and it closes.

  Lox and Vera lead us inside their huge mansion. It’s all original and comes complete with stone walls and timber beams. The Royal Gargoyles have been taking really good care of this place for as long as I have known them to be here. We are led down a hall to two exceptionally large and heavy looking oak doors. To my surprise it takes extraordinarily little to push them open though. They open into a grand dining hall with tables all over. It’s set up like a restaurant, there’s a buffet that has steaming food ready and waiting to be consumed. There’s a large fountain drink machine sitting off to the right to grab drinks from, and also a drink cooler too, with milk, juice, and water in it. Everyone sits, talks, and greets us as we walk by to get food and drinks. It’s almost like we have been here for days now with the new gargoyles instead of just getting here.

  “Oh, here before I forget. Here are all the documents I was to bring to you. It’s a lot.” I say pulling my satchel from thin air and handing it to them. Lox drops it and looks at me.

  “Damn girl that thing weighs like it has a full-grown dragon in it! No offense Enox.” Lox says giving Enox an apologetic look.

  “No worries Lox, I still have another 125 years of growing to do. I am still considered a ch
ild.” Enox says as we get plates to grab dinner.

  Chapter 2

  ~ Tenelle ~

  During dinner, Enox told us about this Celestial map he sees when guiding a soul to the stars. It’s a picture that shows in his head, he picks a spot, and it gives him where to guide the soul to. There’s no physical map, just a picture. So, it has us all rightly confused. Vera asks if there was a possibility that I may have met my mates when dropping off documents for clans and what not before today. I try to think things through, then remember I ran into the girl and the wizard at a small diner the last time I came out to see Nick, Tabby and Claire. So, if they are older than me, then the wizard told the dragon and that is how they rejected me.

  After dinner, Enox left to go back to get his stuff. He parked his truck in a Walmart parking lot somewhere in Quebec. He said he would meet me back in the Mont Tremblant National park for us to spend time together, and then we would travel home together so that he could safely enter the territory. I sent him a text saying I will be back tomorrow so that we have a full day and night together. He responded with hearts and telling me I was the best. He has no idea that I am the lucky one, that I got him as my second chance mate. Vera shows me to a room and just keeps looking at me.

  “You have this brilliant glow to you. It’s white, with a layer of purple and then deep blue. I would say those are the auras of your mates and the white is yours. The deep blue’s the strongest and there’s only a thin purple layer. I would say one of your mates is another magic caster. To take the place of that shit for brains from today.” Vera says just sitting on the bed in front of me.

  “Vera, you were right. I have met them before, the wizard and the woman not the dragon. It was in a little diner called Cabin Coffee. I was there about 4 months ago. He kept looking at me, and she kept making these rude comments. I did not stay long, just enough to get my breakfast and apologize to the staff for causing a problem. They said it wasn’t me, that she was the problem. There had been other instances with another two men. I think one of them was the dragon and the other was this Daxton guy, Everett told me to find. He looked so hurt when I left, I did not know why. Now I do, he knew who I was and never said anything. Is it my fault that they rejected me because I didn’t know who they were?” I ask looking at Vera and ready to cry.